We at Matilda believe in sharing Happiness at your Events!

Our Events and Catering platter created by our Chefs add flavors to your Events be it Birthdays, Your Brand launch, Weddings or any Event of your Loved ones, our Chefs can tailor-make any Menu.

Any menu you can think of, did it ring a bell?

Then you know what I’m talking about, you are at the right place. We, at Matilda have a passion for Baking, we want to share it with the world; we believe that the key to happiness is socializing and celebrating with your loved Ones. So just give us a summary of the event you want to host; our experienced Chefs shall bring your event to life.

But you will have to do something too, you will have to accept all the compliments for being the perfect host.

We offer fresh, healthy, appetizing and delectable menus for all your cateringrequirements and we ensure to deliver exceptional dishes everybody loves. Because of our remarkable expertise, utmost care and promptness we were able to create countless special memories in peoples’ lives. If you place your trust in us, we assure you that your guests will be looking forward to your next event.

Would you like to discuss some ideas? Get in touch

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